BrainRocket is more than just a job. We are a big international family that can manage any issues easily together. This is why we achieved so much last year and didn’t pass facing all challenges.

Let’s remember how it was in 2022 for BRO. We have a lot to share with you!

2022 was the year we made a giant step to build our strong community — Social Club for employees and their families. It’s a place where each BRO can find a hobby starting from GYM and Yoga to film school for kids and pet grooming. Social Club became our attraction point to spend quality time together. Thanks to the Social Club, we have organized and participated in more than 30 events.

2022 was the year to think about others. This way, BRO supported Ukrainian people with donations for food and supplies. We launched a charity campaign in association with Study.UA and provided 50 grants for children to continue their education in Ukrainian and English. We have completed a new media room in a local school helping kids to find a passion in IT. We helped the animal shelter with food, donations, and our love.

2022 was the year to care about our new home. We cleaned tons of rubbish in Limassol and started to renovate our neighborhood with Social Club. We recreated a cozy park to give all BROs and citizens a new place to rest. 

2022 was the year to grow. We expanded our BRO family to 700 talents and relocated hundreds of bright people from all around the globe. We have launched a new platform and extensive campaign across Cyprus.

2022 was the year to reach big goals. We have run, swam, and biked thousands of miles in charity marathons and competitions, not counting the exercise and treadmills at our Social Club. All of that was to help people around us. 

2022 was the year BRO became an Investor of the Year in Cyprus, and it’s just the beginning for us!

What’s next? We believe that BRO will be a real go-getter in 2023. Stay tuned, and we will show you!